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FAQs About Cobra Premium Assistance Under The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 | New York Benefits Group

April 07, 2021 Set out below are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding implementation of certain provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), as it applies to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, commonly called COBRA. These FAQs have been prepared by the Department of Labor (DOL). Like previously issued FAQs … Continued

Top Strategies of Relationship Marketing | NY Employee Benefits Group

As a business, you are constantly managing your sales funnel–from the first point of contact with a prospect to their purchase of your service.  But it doesn’t (and shouldn’t) stop there. Perhaps the most important part of your sales funnel is the follow-up post-sale. It’s in this time of follow-up that you build the ongoing … Continued

Exploring Mental Health Benefits | New York Employee Benefits Firm

The overall well-being of an employee has never been more of a priority for employers as it is right now. From health care to vision care to mental health care, the entirety of the employee’s health is important to the health of the organization. Importance of Mental Health Benefits Mental health and the cost of … Continued

Benefits of Remote Onboarding | NY Employee Benefits Consultants

Remote Onboarding Success Plan Remote workplaces have become very commonplace in our world today. In fact, a PwC survey of 669 CEOs, 78% agree that remote work is here for the long-term. As a result, remote onboarding has become part of the normal Human Resources operation in companies. Let’s dive into what remote onboarding looks … Continued

The Power of Praise | New York Benefits Agency

Think for a minute about all you have done today. Now, from that list of tasks, how many would you say you have done well? Again, from the list of tasks you feel you’ve done a good job on, how many were you praised for by your manager or even a co-worker? We all crave … Continued

When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated | NY Benefits Team

COVID-19 vaccines are effective at protecting you from getting sick. Based on what we know about COVID-19 vaccines, people who have been fully vaccinated can start to do some things that they had stopped doing because of the pandemic. We’re still learning how vaccines will affect the spread of COVID-19. After you’ve been fully vaccinated … Continued

Exploring Vision Insurance | NY Benefits Advisors

According to WebMD, the eyes are the most highly developed sensory organs in your body. They report that more of your brain is dedicated to the sense of sight than to all of the other senses combined. So, it makes sense that you would do all that you can to protect and care for these … Continued

Exploring Year-Round Benefits Engagement | NY Benefits Group

Just as with any good, healthy relationship, communication with employees is key. Only communicating with employees regarding their benefits package during open enrollment will most definitely result in them not taking full advantage of all it has to offer. In an effort to assist employees in understanding and maximizing their benefits, companies should use a … Continued

Ways Leadership Affects Culture and Culture Affects Leadership | New York Benefits Agents

There has been so much written on leadership in the last year, it’s hard to keep track of it all. Leaders should be storytellers, communicators, holistic, strategic, encouraging, creative, conservative, risk taking, ethical, competitive, inspiring and a whole host of other attributes. There are countless books currently available on the subject, and it would not … Continued

8 Small Steps Toward Financial Protection | NY Employee Benefits Team

About half of all Americans make New Year’s resolutions. Along with exercising more and eating better, many people aim to get a better handle on their finances. If you’re in that camp, we’re here to help. Here are some surefire steps to create a more financially secure future for you and your loved ones. Create … Continued