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Data Drop: The Latest Workforce Surveys for HR Professionals to Read | NY Benefits Consultants

It’s an interesting time for the workforce as big changes are in store for everyone across the spectrum of the professional landscape. Every industry has been impacted COVID-19 and the continuous evolution of the situation, the economy and the workplace means that data and our understanding of all these things is shifting with it. More … Continued

Mental Health Exercises for a Strong Mind | NY Benefits Advisors

When someone says they want to get healthy, you naturally think of physical health. However, we do have the ability to do a mind workout so that we are mentally fit. We’ve collected some exercises to help you build your mental-muscle-strength and, in turn, build a strong and healthy body. Anxiety disorders are the highest … Continued

4 Steps You Can Take to Feel More in Control Now | New York Employee Benefits Group

COVID-19 has upended life as we know it for millions of people around the world. Many of us—including the young and healthy—are seriously contemplating our mortality for the first time. As the parent of a toddler, with a baby on the way, I’m definitely in this camp. It’s deeply unsettling to ponder how this virus … Continued

Ask the Advisor: Can we deny an employee’s use of accrued vacation time?| NY Benefits Partners

QUESTION: Can we deny an employee’s use of accrued vacation time? ANSWER: Yes, the decision to approve or deny the use of accrued vacation time is up to you, assuming you do so in a consistent and non-discriminatory manner. It would be acceptable, for example, to deny a vacation request because approving it would leave … Continued

Vaping in the Workplace | NY Employee Benefits Team

The health of our businesses during these uncertain times may be called “sickly” but the health of your employees and your bottom line doesn’t have to be. While we know cigarettes are a danger to your health, we are just now learning the risks associated with vaping.  This trendy new method of nicotine delivery may … Continued

Tools for the Remote Workplace | New York Benefits Agency

The traditional workplace of physical offices and desks has changed. The new normal we are all experiencing is the remote workplace. While some are adjusting to this change without any growing pains, some may find it difficult to transition. Follow these tips to help manage your time in this new space. SET UP A PHYSICAL … Continued

How Leaders Can Set an Example for Remote Employees | NY Employee Benefits

For many of us, the experience of working entirely from home is a new one. It has required us to rethink the way we work and function as a team. Many of the routines, patterns, practices, and processes we have created over time are no longer effective, and we’ve had to institute new means of … Continued

How to Support the Mental Health of Your Employees During COVID-19 | New York Employee Benefits Consultants

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on everyone’s mental health. People have experienced financial hardship, additional challenges with childcare and school cancellations, job loss, reduced hours, sickness, and grief. The future is uncertain, and the present is extra stressful. And to make matters worse, many of the networks and practices that people use to … Continued

5 Tips for Building Trust When Employees Return to Work | New York Benefits Group

The day where people return to normal routines around work doesn’t seem as far off today as it did just a few weeks ago. As politicians itching to “re-open” the world look at ways to revive normalcy, companies now have to do the same as they consider operational needs and employee safety. As the work … Continued

CBD: Fact or Fiction? | NY Employee Benefits Advisors

The cannabidiol (CBD) market in the United States has taken off like a rocket. Some projections have this market reaching $16 billion by 2025. After years of singing its praises for treating, albeit illegally, a myriad of health issues, supporters of cannabis have seen an uptick of mainstream support in the last 2 years with … Continued