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IRS Announces HSA Limits for 2020 | New York Employee Benefits Advisors

On May 28, 2019, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Revenue Procedure 2019-25 announcing the annual inflation-adjusted limits for health savings accounts (HSAs) for calendar year 2020. An HSA is a tax-exempt savings account that employees can use to pay for qualified health expenses. To be eligible for an HSA, an employee: Must be covered … Continued

Spring Clean Your Life | NY Benefits Consultants

The winter doldrums have left most of the country and we are witnessing the arrival of spring. Just like the budding trees and baby animals signify a new start, so does a fresh cleaning of your home. But don’t let the spring cleaning stop with the physical place where you live—extend it to all corners … Continued

Insuring the Times of Your Life | NY Benefits Agency

Preston Newby was a youth minister. He and his wife, Tara, were driving with their son to visit family—excited to announce a new baby on the way. In the keeping with the kind of person Preston was, he stopped to help at the scene of an accident. That’s when he was struck by another car and … Continued

Millennials are HR’s biggest challenge in the multi-gen workplace | New York Employee Benefits

Dive Brief: Almost half of HR professionals (48%) reported millennials as their largest non-desk work group, but 32% said they are the hardest generation among Gen Z, Gen X and baby boomers to engage, according to research from Speakap. The corporate social platform surveyed 250 HR professionals in the U.S. and U.K. on their use of technology to retain … Continued

Who Can I Name as a Beneficiary on My Life Insurance Policy? | New York Employee Benefits

First off, great job on buying life insurance! You took an important step by protecting the ones you love. Every life insurance policy requires you to name a beneficiary. A life insurance beneficiary is typically the person or people who get the payout on your life insurance policy after you die; it may also be … Continued

Hot Trends in HR | New York Benefits Agency

2019 has ushered in many new trends such as retro cartoon character timepieces, meatless hamburgers, and 5G networks to name a few. Not surprisingly, trend-watching doesn’t stop with pop culture, fashion, and technology. Your company’s human resources department should also take notice of the top changes in the marketplace, so they are poised to attract … Continued

Spring into Fitness with These 5 Simple Tips! | New York Employee Benefits

Spring is here! That means it’s time to ditch those Winter layers, and even that excess Winter weight. No matter what your current fitness level, Spring is a great time to refocus your habits and spruce up your routine. Get a Check Up or a Physical Before starting any new fitness regimen, it’s a good … Continued

It’s Intern Season | NY Employee Benefits Advisors

Summer internships offer students opportunities to gain real-world experience and hands-on career development. Conversely, internship programs give employers access to highly motivated and educated young workers and give junior managers more experience training and supervising. There are benefits for everyone involved. However, there are some people risks that many employers overlook. One of the largest … Continued

Court Blocks New DOL Rules on Association Health Plans | New York Benefits Agency

In March, a federal district court struck down a Department of Labor (DOL) Rule on Association Health Plans (AHPs). Issued in 2018, the DOL rule aimed to expand the availability of AHPs to a greater number of small businesses as an alternative to standard ACA-compliant small group insurance policies. For details, see our June 2018 … Continued

The Advantages of Automation | New York Employee Benefits

As schedules continue to get more and more packed with work, health, and personal responsibilities, prioritizing and organizing our lives becomes increasingly crucial. When you look at your daily to-do list, some tasks are obviously more important than others, but the significance of other tasks may be less apparent. Automating certain things, like paying bills, … Continued