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The Risks are Real | New York Benefits Consultants

Even when you proactively anticipate all the people risks that have the potential to impact your workplace, it’s easy to convince yourself there is no risk to you — that it will never happen here. You may think no one at your workplace will harass anyone, no one will sue you over an honest mistake … Continued

Opioid Addiction in the Workplace: Resources for Prevention and Treatment | NY Employee Benefits Agency

The opioid crisis has driven overdose deaths in America to all-time highs. By 2017, the opioid mortality rate was five times higher than the rate in 1999. This crisis is not limited to one socio-economic class or one geographic area. Opioid addiction affects those in suburban homes, high-rise office buildings, and schools in every state … Continued

The Right Information at the Right Time | New York Benefits Agency

We are all drinking from a firehose of news and information — all day, every day. With this deluge of information, it can be difficult to determine what’s truly important to know. But being reactive is not acceptable. You need to know what’s coming, what affects you, and how it affects you. Take, for example, … Continued

Heart Disease Risk and Prevention | New York Employee Benefits Advisors

Heartbreaks are painful, but did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, with more than 630,000 people dying from the condition each year. This equates to one in four deaths attributed to this awful disease. The most common form of heart disease is coronary artery disease (CAD), … Continued

You Can Reduce the Risk of Workplace Violence | NY Employee Benefits Agents

On Friday, February 15, 2019, five employees of a manufacturer in Aurora, Illinois, were killed by an employee they were about to terminate as they met in a conference room. Among the victims were the human resources director and a young HR intern at his first day on the job. This is just the latest … Continued

From Resolutions to Reality | New York Employee Benefits Agency

Ever wonder why the resolutions you make in January don’t stick around after March? You aren’t alone! Studies show that only 8% of people keep their New Year’s resolutions. Only 8%! Why? And how do people achieve their goals set at New Year’s? We’ve broken it down for you so you can identify your goal-breaker … Continued

E-Verify is Back Following the Government Shutdown | NY Benefits Managers

Now that the partial government shutdown has ended, E-Verify operations have resumed. Employers understandably have questions on how to proceed for cases that could not be entered or updated while E-Verify was unavailable. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has posted an update online, including instructions for next steps. Employers that participate in E-Verify must … Continued

The Big-Picture View of Risk | New York Benefits Agents

Many human resources and business leaders think about compliance in black-and-white terms. We simply check the boxes and evaluate compliance efforts using one measure: “Are we doing it right or not?” It’s easy to fall into the trap of failing to see the broader implications of our compliance efforts. We need to go beyond, “What’s … Continued

Attitude of Gratitude | New York Employee Benefits

Having a grateful heart impacts more than just you! When you express your gratitude to others, it becomes a ripple effect and extends further than you can imagine. Watch this video to learn how to say “thank you” to others!

Managing the Intersection of Workers’ Compensation with Other Leave Regulations | NY Benefits Partners

You’re ready when the call comes in. Your client’s employee was seriously injured on the job. You reassure the client that your team has them covered, and you outline their workers’ compensation policy provisions, administrative claim filing process, and accident site investigation protocols. You check in later in the week. As a result of the … Continued