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5 Ways to Say Thank You | New York Insurance Benefits Firm

Saying “Thank You” doesn’t have to be hard. Read about these 5 easy ways you can show your gratitude to others.

Ask the Experts: Federal Survey of Employer Health Plans | New York Benefits Consultants

Question: Our company received a survey from the U.S. Census Bureau asking about the health coverage we offer to employees, how much it costs, etc. Is this an official survey? Do we have to provide the information? Answer: It appears your company has been randomly selected for the federal government’s Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). … Continued

7 Ways to Have Self-Control, Even in the Hardest Situations | NY Benefits Advisors

What would change if you had more self-control? Would you meet your fitness goals? De-escalate tense situations? Finally stop procrastinating on work projects? Although it can seem impossible to gain any more discipline than you already have, willpower can be exercised regularly just like your muscles. There are a few ways you can gain control … Continued

Ask the Experts: FMLA Leave and Attendance Incentives | NY Employee Benefits

Question: We give year-end bonuses based on attendance, and employees with a certain number of absences are disqualified. If an employee took FMLA leave, can we count those absences against them and withhold the attendance bonus? Answer: Yes, if you apply the rubric used to qualify employees for the bonus consistently across all “equivalent leave … Continued

Celebrate the Season Safely | New York Benefits Group

As the holiday season approaches, the economy is humming along, unemployment is low, and companies are enjoying the fruits of corporate tax breaks. Time to celebrate? Not so fast, according to the 2018 Holiday Party Survey by Challenger, Gray & Christmas. The survey found that just 65 percent of companies are holding holiday festivities this … Continued

IRS Extends Deadline for Employers to Furnish Forms 1095-C and 1095-B | New York Employee Benefits

On November 29, 2018, the IRS released Notice 2018-94 to extend the due date for employers to furnish 2018 Form 1095-C or 1095-B under the Affordable Care Act’s employer reporting requirement. Employers will have an extra month to prepare and distribute the 2018 form to individuals. The due dates for filing forms with the IRS … Continued

Workplace Wellness | NY Benefits Brokers

Picture this: You are sitting at your desk at 3pm and you realize you haven’t gotten up from your chair all day. You look around and see that you’ve been snacking instead of eating a lunch. You have read the same sentence 4 times and still can’t figure out what it means. Your back hurts, … Continued

How to Stop Procrastinating (Finally!) | NY Benefits Agency

Do you consider yourself a procrastinator? A 2015 study published in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy found that about 50 percent of people consider themselves “mild” or “average” when it comes to procrastinating. And about 20 percent of people view themselves as chronic procrastinators, meaning that they procrastinate in many different areas of their lives — work, … Continued

IRS Announces 2019 Retirement Plan Contribution Limits | NY Employee Benefits

On November 1, 2018, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2018-83 announcing cost-of-living adjustments affecting dollar limits for pension plans and other retirement-related items for tax year 2019. Many pension plan limits will change next year because the increase in the cost-of-living index has met the statutory thresholds that trigger their adjustment. Other items, … Continued

4 Things Life Insurance Is Not | NY Employee Benefits Agency

Are you confused about life insurance? I don’t blame you. When I first started writing about finances more than a decade ago, my understanding of life insurance was limited. I knew about life insurance because it was offered through my employer, and I thought a $50,000 policy was a lot of money. I also recognized … Continued