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5 Things Millennials Need to Know About Life Insurance | New York Benefit Advisors

Being catapulted into the adult world is a shock to the system, regardless of how prepared you think you are. And these days, it’s more complicated than ever, with internet access and mobile devices being must-have utilities and navigating tax forms when they aren’t as “EZ” as they used to be. Maybe you’re still living … Continued

What Are Some Pros & Cons of HIPAA? | New York Benefit Advisors

Congress approved the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to guard the privacy of personal medical information, and to give individuals the right to keep their health insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions in place even if they change jobs. The law has done this, providing important safeguards for patients. But it has also increased … Continued

Considering telehealth? | New York Benefit Advisors

Incorporating telehealth into your benefits package can reduce your medical costs while providing your employees access to a quality health care option.  If you are considering telehealth, you need to find a completely integrated solution. To learn more, click here.

USCIS Releases Revised Version of Form I-9 | New York Benefit Advisors

On July 17, 2017, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced the publication of a revised version of Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. What Employers Need to Know Employers may use the new form, with a revision date of 07/17/17 N now. Using new form is mandatory on September 18, 2017 to avoid fines. … Continued

The Effects of Not Having Health Insurance on Personal Finances | New York Benefit Advisors

Insurance has become the method by which most Americans have their health-care costs paid. By paying a regular monthly bill for health insurance, the cost of expected health care events is spread out into even payments and the cost of major unexpected medical incidents is absorbed by insurance. Lack of health insurance can have a … Continued

Retaining Millennials | New York Benefit Advisors

Millennials are projected to make up 50 percent of the workforce by 2020 and 75 percent by 2025. This HR Toolkit outlines millennial retention strategies and what you can do to position your company for success. To learn more, click here.

What You Need To Know About Voluntary Benefits | New York Benefit Advisors

Identity Fraud | New York Benefit Advisors

It’s nearly impossible for you to personally protect yourdata everywhere. Criminals can use your online accounts andother information to steal your identity. Then they canget creative with the types of fraud that can put you at risk. JM Brassill Group is proud to partner with LifeLock.  Together we can help protect you, your family, and … Continued

TeleMedicine – The NextGen Benefit of Minor Healthcare | New York Benefit Advisors

It’s not surprising that 2017 stands to be the year many will have an experience to share using a Telemedicine or a Virtual Doctor service. With current market trends, government regulations, and changing economic demands, it’s fast becoming a more popular alternative to traditional healthcare visits.  And, as healthcare costs continue to rise and there … Continued

JM Brassill Group Inc. celebrates 11 years this week!

JM Brassill Group Inc. is celebrating their 11th Anniversary this week!  We would like to thank our family, friends, and our amazing clients for their dedication and loyalty over the past 11 years.   We look forward to serving our community and our clients for many years to come!