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Benefits of an Annual Exam | NY Benefit Consultants

Have you ever heard the proverb “Knowledge is power?” It means that knowledge is more powerful than just physical strength and with knowledge people can produce powerful results. This applies to your annual medical physical as well! The #1 goal of your annual exam is to GAIN KNOWLEDGE. Annual exams offer you and your doctor … Continued

New York Employment Law Update – February 2018 | New York Benefit Brokers

Enforcement of NYC Fast Food Deductions Law Stayed by Federal Judge On January 17, 2018, enforcement of the NYC Fast Food Deductions Law, part of the city’s Fair Work Week laws, was stayed by a federal judge in Restaurant Law Center, et al. v. City of New York, et al, 1:17cv9128. The lawsuit challenges the … Continued

CMS Disclosure Requirement for Employer Health Plans | NY Benefit Advisors

Do you offer health coverage to your employees? Does your group health plan cover outpatient prescription drugs? If so, federal law requires you to complete an online disclosure form every year with information about your plan’s drug coverage. You have 60 days from the start of your health plan year to complete the form. For … Continued

2018 W-4 Forms Won’t Be Released Until Late February | NY Benefit Consultants

If you’ve been getting questions from your employees about completing new 2018 W-4 forms to take advantage of the tax reform rules, we’ve finally received some answers. You can continue to rely on the current W-4 forms for now until the new 2018 form is released in late February. The January 29th Internal Revenue Service … Continued

Ask the Experts: BLS Current Employment Statistics Survey – Is participation mandatory? | New York Benefit Advisors

Question: We received a request from the New York State Department of Labor, Division of Research and Statistics, to provide information for “Occupational Employment Statistics Report in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor.” Is our participation mandatory or required? Answer: Your state department of labor has asked you to participate in the Bureau of Labor … Continued

Utilize FSA Monies with Key Year–End Strategies | New York Benefit Advisors

‘Tis the Season’. Like most, you ‘re probably in the midst of the “hussle and bussle” of this holiday season with dinners, parties, and activities; Christmas shopping; and spending those remaining FSA dollars you have allocated this year.   Wait, what? Yes, you read right. Chances are, if you’ve opted to utilize an employer-sponsored FSA … Continued

Rules for FSA & HSA Accounts | New York Benefit Advisors

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), no permission or authorization to set up either an FSA or HSA account is required. Both accounts are intended to help provide you with financial assistance regarding medical care costs. An FSA (flexible spending account) is set up by your employer. An HSA (health savings account) is held … Continued

DOL Delays New Rules for Disability Benefit Claims | New York Benefit Advisors

On November 29, 2017, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) published a Final Rule that delays implementation of new claim rules for disability benefits through April 1, 2018. This 90-day delay is intended to give the DOL, insurers, employers, and other interested parties additional time to review the new rules. The DOL is collecting public … Continued

4 Ways to Get Financially Fit in Your 40s | New York Benefit Advisors

Many people in their 40s are facing an uncomfortable fact: They simply aren’t where they’d hoped to be financially. Fortunately, all their life experience can help correct for past mistakes. “There’s a different trigger moment for everybody,” says Jay Howard, financial advisor and partner at MHD Financial in San Antonio, Texas. “But regardless of when … Continued

The Importance of Therapeutic Communication in Healthcare | New York Benefit Advisors

The quality of a therapeutic relationship depends on the ability of the healthcare provider to communicate effectively. The term “therapeutic communication” is often used in the field of nursing; however, the process isn’t limited to nursing. Other healthcare professionals, friends and family members of a patient can implement the strategies of communicating in a therapeutic … Continued