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Benefits for a Multigenerational Workforce | New York Benefits Agency

If only everyone valued the same things, benefits planning would be a lot easier.  If. Only. However, most employers have five generations of employees active in the workplace who want different things.  With generation gaps spanning more than 75 years, finding a one-size-fits-all benefits package can be challenging.  However, there are certain things to consider … Continued

Pros and Cons of the Gig Economy | NY Benefits Advisors

Since the start of the pandemic, the gig economy has become more ubiquitous. Human Resources leaders need to understand the new kind of worker attracted to the world of gigs, and learn how to make that kind of non-traditional worker fit into their teams. Some mistakenly believe that the gig economy, also known as the … Continued

HR Trends to Watch in 2022 | NY Employee Benefits Consultants

Human Resources leaders are always being asked to look into a crystal ball and predict the future. You probably don’t have any super powers. But your Spidey sense might be telling you that a few trends that are surfacing are likely to stick around through the new year, 2022. The coronavirus pandemic has changed your … Continued

The Root Cause of the Great Resignation Is Not What You Think | NY Benefits Team

Theories abound about why workers are leaving their jobs in record numbers in 2021 and thus creating what pundits are calling the Great Resignation. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs in August. These resignations continue to be higher in food service, retail, and education. One popular opinion … Continued

Benefits of Remote Onboarding | NY Employee Benefits Consultants

Remote Onboarding Success Plan Remote workplaces have become very commonplace in our world today. In fact, a PwC survey of 669 CEOs, 78% agree that remote work is here for the long-term. As a result, remote onboarding has become part of the normal Human Resources operation in companies. Let’s dive into what remote onboarding looks … Continued

What the Switch to Remote Work Teaches Us About HR | New York Benefits Group

In the past year, many employers who would never have considered a remote work arrangement discovered that it was not only possible, but in some (or many) ways preferable to how they worked before. As a result, many employers plan on maintaining a remote workforce in some form once the pandemic is over. There’s a … Continued

Be Alert: Employers Are Seeing a Spike in Phishing Scams | NY Employee Benefits Consultants

Phishing emails are a type of scam designed to obtain information or prompt certain behavior from their targets. To that end, they typically appear to come from a person or entity we trust. In most cases, careful inspection will reveal cracks in the façade, little signs that the message is not what it purports to … Continued

What You Need to Know Before Disciplining or Terminating an Employee | New York Benefits Group

The prospect of corrective action or termination makes a lot of managers nervous. That’s understandable. For employees, being disciplined or losing their job can be anything from moderately embarrassing to financially devastating, but it’s rarely a happy occasion. For the employers, these actions always come with some risk, and there are plenty of legal danger … Continued

In Depth: The Future of Work Part 1 | New York Benefits Team

The hardest thing about the future of work is defining the concept. The chief reason has to do with change. It’s constant with new technologies coming online at an increasing pace and changing the way people complete their work. If the data is to be believed, what HR knows about work is quickly disappearing. Korn Ferry predicts … Continued

Data Drop: The Latest Workforce Surveys for HR Professionals to Read | NY Benefits Consultants

It’s an interesting time for the workforce as big changes are in store for everyone across the spectrum of the professional landscape. Every industry has been impacted COVID-19 and the continuous evolution of the situation, the economy and the workplace means that data and our understanding of all these things is shifting with it. More … Continued